A special “Thank You” to our valued reseller partners who took the time from their busy schedules to attended our Reseller Summit 2019.
With our recent move into our new facility, we wanted to take the opportunity to invite our resellers to show them our new US HQ in the heart of the Silicon Valley.
This acquisition of our new facility is a testament by our parent company Venture Corporation of our commitment to our color label printer business.
This event was special in several ways, for starters, it isn’t everyday we are able to host our resellers in our office and spend some quality time with them discussing the global color label market.
We shared our enthusiasm for our business and the direction we are headed. We also wanted to hear from our valued reseller partners of how we can best support them in their respective areas.
During the event we took the opportunity to recognize a couple of our resellers for their outstanding performance and dedication of promoting the VIPColor brand over the years.
Congratulations to Pacific Barcode and Coridian Technologies.
We appreciate the commitments and continued support.
We also spent some time before and after the event for those resellers wanting some additional hands on training.
We are pleased for the time spent refreshing their skills with our two techs Khanh & Shadi.
All in all, it was a great couple of days with our resellers that we won’t soon forget! We look forward to the next opportunity of hosting our resellers at another VIPColor event.